Friday 14 August 2015

Eggless Chocolate Brownie:

½ cup maida
4 ½ table spoon cocoa powder
¼ tea spoon soda bicarb
1/8 tea spoon baking powder
6 table spoon powdered sugar
½ cup regular butter
½ cup milk, warm
1 tea spoon vanilla essence
2 table spoon curd / yoghurt

Begin with sifting maida, cocoa powder, soda bicarb and baking powder together, atleast three times. Keep aside.
In a bowl, cream butter and sugar, till light and fluffy. This will be done by whisking them using a hand blender or a whisk.
Add curd and vanilla essence and mix well.
Now to this, add half of flour and half of milk and mix well. Add remaining flour and milk mix well.
Now finally whisk or blend the batter till air bubbles start to form on the top.
Grease a microwave friendly tray, and pour batter in it. Microwave it for 3-4 minutes on high setting. Check after 3 minutes by inserting a toothpick or knife in brownie. If it doesn’t come out clean, microwave for another minute. Check again. Once knife is clean, take the brownie out and leave it to rest in its container for 5 minutes. And then de mould it.

Serve it hot with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

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