Saturday 7 February 2015

Bread Keema Kebab.

Bread Keema Kebab.

So this is one recipe that I learned from my mom recently, and became fond of it immediately. Its quick and easy to cook. One moment you put everything in the chopper and grind it into a fine paste and next moment - "abracadabra" - ITS READY. 

Its name has also a story behind it. My mom didn't know what to name it and called it a bread cutlet. But then one day I cooked it and asked my dad to taste it. After which he said that its tastes like some keema he eats at one of his favorite non veg points. The only difference is that this is a pure vegetarian starter made up of ingredients easily available in every home. Hence I named it Bread Keema Kebab.

Hope u like it too. Here's the recipe:

8-9 slices of brown bread.
1 inch ginger.
2 green chillies
2 medium sized onions.
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
½ teaspoon garam masala, red chilli powder, rock salt, coriander powder, chaat masala. (you can add more or less as per your own taste buds.)
Salt to taste.
Lots of fresh coriander
Oil for deep frying.
Grind Bread into fine crumbs.
Grind onion, ginger, green chillies together into a paste, add a little bit of water to help the grinding.
Add this paste into bread crumbs along with fresh coriander and all the dry spices.
Mix nicely until whole mixture comes together or the bread crumbs has absorbed all the moisture into it. Add a little water if needed, mixture has to be nicely moist, otherwise the final outcome will hard in chew. It will look like mashed potatoes when its ready.
Make balls out of it and deep fry it. It is ready when its golden brown in color. It gets fried very quickly as bread does not take long to cook, hence caution needs to be given while frying otherwise it may burn, happened to me on my first frying attempt. :)

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