Sunday 15 February 2015

Lime Sponge Cake

Lime cake has always been there in the back of my mind somewhere; I just had this belief that a lime cake would taste great and wanted to try it. However, I was never able to find time to bake it, with my job and other routine. And two days back I just got up and baked it. Don’t remember preparing it, all I remember is that I was doing something and cake was getting baked in the oven next moment. I didn't even care measuring what quantity I was putting in and made it with my rough estimate and as per it tasted. I believe continuous tasting is what prevents a debacle in the kitchen. J

Now let’s go back in the past a little, may be 5 or 6 years ago when I attempted to bake my first cake, a chocolate cake, which was also a complete failure like all my other first attempts. L K
Miraculously the only thing good about it was that it exactly tasted like I wanted it to however as a cake it was a complete failure. And don’t even get me started on the icing and decoration of it, because what I did, thinking it will make it better actually made it look like some cave painting done by an amateur, and it became an eyesore. What was the result? Well, nobody ate it and it too went into the trash bin.

Nevertheless, I kept trying and here I am today sharing my cooking experiences with you all. Without any further ado, below is the recipe for my lime cake, which is very quick to make.

Ingredients: (It’s for a small cake, serves around 2-3 people)
Around 4 tablespoons of maida or all purpose flour
1 whole egg
2 ½ tablespoon sugar. Add more if you like more sweet.
1 tablespoon oil.
Zest of two lime.
1 tablespoon lime juice.
Around 1 teaspoon baking powder.
3 tablespoon water.
Begin with whisking egg and sugar together till the time air bubbles form on the surface. It needs to be done nicely as it will help make cake airy and spongy.
To this stage add zest, lime juice, oil and whisk again.
Now add dry ingredients sieved. And mix the batter gently using cut and fold technique. It will come together eventually. Do not rush into mixing it as the air put into the egg will collapse otherwise.
Add water and keep mixing the batter using cut fold technique till it is a smooth batter.
Preparing baking dish:
Grease the insides of the dish and then dust it with flour.

Pour batter into the dish. I used microwave to bake it. Bake it for 10 minutes at 300 degree Celsius, then another 3-5 minutes at 180 degree Celsius. Keep checking it in between and don’t leave it unobserved in the oven. It is ready when it feels spongy and when a knife inserted comes out clean.

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