Tuesday 10 February 2015

Paneer Rolls

Paneer roll is a recipe that I learned just a month back and that too out of a taste competition between me and my dad. To be honest, it was more of a “trying to prove each other wrong” kind of a competition wherein nobody competes to win but to have fun, which me and my dad always have whenever we cook together.

Anyways, my aunt had cooked these huge cutlets for us and my mom had brought them from her home. My dad, upon tasting it, asked me in a very challenging, confident yet subtle tone, to guess what all was put into it and how it was made. After making a couple of guesses we both started discussing the cutlet as if it was a matter of life and death and continued this for at least next 5 minutes. My mom overlooking us from the kitchen came towards us smiling devilishly and said that we both were wrong, told us the recipe and went back into the kitchen now laughing, leaving both of us shameful. And that’s how I came across this snack.

The only amendment that I made in the recipe was the size of cutlets and chose to make them small round shaped, as then they become easier to fry and eat. I believe that is how a snack should be.

Here's the recipe:

For Mash:
300 grams Paneer / Cottage cheese
1 medium sized onion
Salt to taste
½ teaspoon red chilli and garam masala.
4-5 Tablespoon Green chilli sauce. Add more if you like it spicier.
Lots of fresh coriander leaves.
For Batter:
2 ½ Tablespoon maida or all purpose flour.
4-5 Table spoon water.
Bread Crumbs of 4 Breads.
Oil for deep frying.
For mash:
Crush paneer finely with hands.
Chop onion in small pieces.
Add onion, salt, red chilli, garam masala, fresh coriander and chilli sauce to paneer and mash them together nicely. Kneading helps it get together.
For batter, mix maida and water together nicely. It will be runny in consistency.
Spread the bread crumbs in a large plate.
Method of making paneer rolls:
Make around one inch ball of the mash, dip them or coat it with the batter from all sides generously and then run it over the bread crumbs in plate. The batter will help crumbs stick to the rolls. Bread crumbs should cover the roll completely. Then deep fry it. Roll is ready when it’s Golden brown in colour. A point of caution, bread cooks quickly and paneer is eaten in its natural form, hence it does not take much cooking time. Few seconds in oil and it is ready.

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